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Primary Entry Point System has issued a CIVIL EMERGENCY for whole of Inocria. Effective until February 29, 2024 at 15:59 IST.

February 22, 2024

Government in Shutdown: EMERGENCY

Breaking News: Emergency Declared in Inocria Amidst Tensions

Inocria has announced a state of emergency effective from 16:00 IST on February 22nd until 15:59 IST on February 29th due to heightened security concerns. The government has cited a suspected Russian military attack targeting the strategic port city of Mariupol and its surrounding areas as the primary reason for this drastic measure.

Residents have been urged to remain vigilant and follow all safety protocols as the situation develops. The Inocrian Ministry of Defense has confirmed that military and emergency services are on high alert, and evacuation plans are being put in place for areas deemed at high risk of conflict.

The curfew is now in effect from 18:30 IST to 5:59 IST. 

Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

February 17, 2024

Government in Shutdown: News Bulletin

Greetings, heroes!

Today we have a plenty of things to tell you:
    • Territory Reform
      4 new territories have been annexed by Inocria on February 17th, 2024. Their total size is 7703.05 sq. meters, and they will form a new region. Territories will be officially incorporated on March 14-17 and will form a new region Ethoequa.
    • Penal Code is close to being ended
      Already 1/3 has been done.
    • HoCC got a gift from DRAGON STATE
      500 bullets has been gifted to Inocrian Army on the occasion of HoCC's 15th birthday. The celebration was held close to Scanta with the family.
    • Emergency ended
      It was ended weeks late. :)
    • Pacifia vs Russia update:
      As Inocria continues Pacifian mission to liberate Zorya, we got an update from our friends @ Dragon State:
      We are 36 meters from taking the village over.

February 04, 2024

Government in Shutdown: HoCC signs a new Order

An order to write all laws of Inocria was signed on February 1, 2024.

The deadline is March 17, 2024.

Phoenixhaven — In a historic move, Head of Congress Pogorelsky has just signed a groundbreaking executive order aimed at streamlining the legislative process. The order, issued today, mandates that all new laws must be drafted and finalized by March 17, 2024.

Here are the key highlights of this momentous decision:

Deadline for Legislation: The clock is ticking! Congress and relevant agencies have been given a strict deadline to draft, review, and pass any pending legislation. This bold move aims to accelerate the lawmaking process and ensure timely implementation of critical policies.

Efficiency Boost: He emphasized the need for efficiency and responsiveness in governance. By setting a clear deadline, he aims to eliminate bureaucratic delays and ensure that important bills are promptly enacted.

Collaboration Across Aisles: The executive order encourages bipartisan collaboration. People are urged to work together to address pressing issues facing the nation. 

Public Accountability: The order requires regular updates on the progress of legislation. Agencies will report on bills in the pipeline, their status, and any potential roadblocks. Transparency is key to rebuilding trust in government.

Historical Precedent: While previous administrations have attempted similar initiatives, his order sets a more ambitious timeline. Legal experts are closely monitoring its implementation.

January 24, 2024

Government in Shutdown: roskomnadzor blocking Telegram, WhatsApp, and other messengers

HoCC of Inocria made a statement on the yesterday's events, which also possibly affected Inocria

Dear citizens of Inocria and the world,

Yesterday, we witnessed another act of aggression and censorship by the Russian authorities, who conducted a large-scale testing of blocking popular messengers in several Russian regions. This is a blatant violation of the freedom of expression and the right to access information, which are guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

We condemn this attack on the internet, which is a vital tool for communication, education, and democracy. We stand in solidarity with the Russian people, who are suffering under the oppressive regime of Putin and his cronies. We call on the international community to take action.

The Republic of Inocria is a proud and sovereign nation, which values democracy, liberty, and equality. We have fought for our independence from the Donetsk People's Republic, a puppet illegitimate state of russia, and we continue to resist the russian invasion of Ukraine. We will not allow anyone to interfere with our internet, which is our only chance to connect with the world and share our voice.

We urge our citizens to remain vigilant and use secure and reliable methods of online communication, such as VPNs and encrypted messengers

As the head of state, I have already given orders to start developing servers for VPNs, which will not be blocked by the Russian Federation in any case.

We believe that the internet belongs to everyone, and that no one has the right to restrict or manipulate it for their own interests. We hope that one day, the Russian people will be free from the tyranny of their government, and that they will join us in building a peaceful and prosperous future for our nations.
Thank you for your attention.

January 20, 2024

Government in Shutdown: Suicide.

HoCC made a statement tonight on situation in TDC.

The original message was given at TDC by Jason I at 1:34AM IST, January 20, 2024, and attention to it was brought by Prince Anusavre amidst Session of GA of MA.

I am deeply saddened and outraged by the news of the tragic death of one of people here, who was driven to suicide by the cruel and malicious actions of two other users, Nazaskian Empire monarch and Randall Hendrix. They not only harassed and bullied him online, but also celebrated his death and mocked his family and friends. This is unacceptable and inhumane behavior that has no place in community ever.

Jason I told that some people have managed to find out his school and are planning to either contact his local authorities or his school to report this incident and possibly seek justice. I support this initiative and hope that the perpetrators will be held accountable for their crimes. However, I urge everyone to be careful and respectful when doing so, and not to engage in any further harassment or violence against anyone.

I also advise everyone to stay away from both of those, and to suspend relations with their nations. They have shown themselves to be dangerous and toxic individuals who do not deserve our attention or friendship. They have violated the rules and values of our community, and they should be banned and isolated from us.

Finally, I want to express my sincere condolences and sympathy to the family and friends of the victim, and to anyone else who has been affected by this tragedy. I know that words are not enough to heal the pain and grief, but I hope that you will find some comfort and support in knowing that you are not alone, and that we are here for you. If you need someone to talk to, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or any other trusted person. 

Please take care of yourselves and each other, and let us stand together against cyberbullying and hate. We are stronger and better than this.

HoCC Pogorelsky V.A., 11:50 AM, January 20th.

Government in Shutdown: EMERGENCY

Breaking News: Emergency Declared in Inocria Amidst Tensions Inocria has announced a state of emergency effective from 16:00 IST on February...